Living Textiles Plush Toy

Living Textiles Plush Toy

Six Cool Toys

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We get a lot of toys at ExtremeTech, and I've been playing with a few. Note that what follows are not reviews in the pure sense, but simply impressions of some gear that came into the lab. We probably won't do hard reviews on this gear stuff, but it's worth discussing because they're interesting and, in some cases, pretty neat.

Quiet, Please

Startech Silent PC Power Supply

First up on the block is a new 300W power supply from StarTech. I'd never heard of them until they sent me the power supply. It claims to be specifically designed to run quietly. Although I haven't put an SPL meter on it, it's noticeably quieter than the Antech and Enermax supplies I typically use. It is not, however, completely silent — the single, temperature controlled fan can be heard above the processor fan.

While it seemed to run in an Athlon XP 2700+ system just fine (with a Radeon 9700, no less), I don't know if it would be a good power supply for the overclocking set. But if you're looking for something a bit quieter than the average fare, it's worth checking out.

Product: Startech Silent PC Power Supply
Web Site: Startech
Price: $109.95, check prices

Louder Please!

On the other side of the audio spectrum are Creative Labs I-Trigue 2.1 speakers.

Creative Labs I-Trigue

These speakers (I can't begin to try to pronounce the name) get some bonus points for looks. The triple array of titanium dome tweeters certainly looks striking, though they also tend to tip over if you bump them. The amplifier seems a bit anemic, at 25W RMS for the subwoofer and 9W to each satellite. They get pretty loud in the near field, though the 6.5″ bass unit can't put out particularly deep bass.

They also seem to sound pleasant enough, though just a tad bright to my ears, but I haven't sat down and actually listened to them critically for any length of time. The volume control box does sport a headphone jack, however, which is definitely a good thing. Although the sound is relatively pleasing, and can get loud, they do seem a little pricey for 2.1 speakers in this power range.

Product: Creative Labs I-Trigue
Web Site: Creative Labs
Price: $65-80, check prices
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Living Textiles Plush Toy



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